Safeguarding children and young people involved in football activities is a key priority of Barton Rovers FC and is taken very seriously at all levels within the Club.
In line with the Football Association guidelines, we have introduced policies to place the welfare of children and young people above all else and everyone involved in the Club should take time out to read and understand these policies.
The Club Secretary, Club Welfare Officer and Assistant Club Welfare Officer have attended workshops organised by the Football Association to meet their requirements and satisfy the Charter Standard status. Senior Club Officials as required by the FA are also certified following a Safeguarding for Committee Members test.
The rights of all children and young people to be protected from abuse, regardless of their age, culture, gender, disability, language, racial origin, religious beliefs or sexual identity will be protected by the Club and our Club Welfare Officers have contact with various agencies who are able to assist in this specific area.
Everyone in contact with the Club is encouraged to report any concerns to the Club Welfare Officer to pursue as necessary and appropriate.
Club Welfare Officer: Steve Anderton
Please contact the Club Welfare Officer using the form below: